chicago hot dog skyline

A Chicago style hot dog is the best kind of hot dog. Full stop.

… ok not full stop. Let me tell you why.

  1. The toppings. I’m a condiment and topping lover. Everything is better with condiments and toppings, and the Chicago dog is the epitome of topping and condiment harmony. However, it’s also the epitome of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. If you look at the toppings separately it seems like you’re making a pile of pure poison. The brightest yellow mustard, neon relish, a pile of raw chopped onions, a chunk of tomato, a huge pickle (even though you already have relish!?), some whole sport peppers, and a sprinkle of celery salt… I understand if you’re feeling hesitation about the recipe. I need you to believe me though–it’s magical.
  2. The bun. “Why, Sarah,” you might ask, “Why is this simple poppy seed bun so important?” I’ll tell you why… I don’t know, but it can really make or break the whole thing. I love trying Chicago-style hot dogs from across the U.S., and let me tell you, the bun is the first thing people change. I think the problem is that they just don’t need to. The fancier the bun the more the whole just… loses something. Stick with the poppy seed bun.
  3. The dog. Honestly, this is the part I find least important. It’s a delicious all beef frank either steamed or boiled. A perfect protein core to the deliciousness around it.

… and listen, about ketchup. It’s obviously ok to like ketchup on your hot dogs, but a Chicago dog doesn’t need ketchup. In fact, it ruins the harmony of the ingredients and you run the risk of thinking you don’t like Chicago dogs, which would be a true tragedy. Try it without ketchup first, just trust me.

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