Airports: the pinnacle of transitional non-spaces, where rules regarding time, style, and sleeping on the floor are blurred. 10 AM at an airport feels like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” story with limited, but surprisingly enjoyable options. You could take a nap, see how fast you can walk on those horizontal elevator things, or find a centrally-located chair and people watch. You may decide to stand anxiously at your gate, constantly checking your ticket to make sure you’re in the correct location, or you might go get a beer to relieve the anxiety. Is it too early for that? Of course not! You’re in a lawless building of comfort and chaos. The guy next to you at the bar isn’t even wearing shoes.

Speaking of shoes, in a place with so few rules, deciding what to wear can be tricky. (Hint: You should probably wear shoes.) Do you emulate the businessman across the hall with slicked hair and a full suit? Or the father at the table behind you who seems to think his neck pillow is more style accessory than necessity?

My strategy is to split the difference. To blend comfort and style into a sort of airport chic. That’s why I always have Southpole Joggers like these in my bag (or rather, on my body). Paired with a fitted tee, a cap, and possibly a scarf in the winter, my joggers are the perfect mix of comfort and style.

what to wear airport
The author in his favorite travel wear.

As a bonus, my favorite joggers come with five whole pockets, four of which can be zipped closed to ensure that no matter how much time I spend at the airport bar, I will not leave without my items. Cause no one wants to find themselves in the air when they realize they left their entire wallet with the tip.

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